Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dreams can come true? Prove it!

Have you ever felt that something is not right with your feelings and all of sudden you received a message that your loved one in pain? How does this happen? My friend is in thousand kilometers away, but how I can sense he is in danger? Sixth sense?

Here is another question to answer that. How you can play a song which transmitted thousand of kilometers away? Electromagnetic wave, or any kind of wave that invisible to our naked eyes, right? It channeled in a fixed frequency.

Number of waves in space are infinite. The channels(invisible tunnels) also unlimited around us. When we love/care someone, we will create an energy wave with them. It is in particular frequency and channel where differs from others. No collision. So, the wave of love/care flows all the time with this fixed tunnel, exactly same like radio. It only stops if you off it. Similarly, it stops transmitting between human once we completely stop caring them or passed away.

Well, what about our dream for achievement? we need to love it. How? believe in it (most people fail here).

If you clearly know where you want to be, don’t think too much about how you going to achieve it. Because nature will open a path for you. Remember? If you love someone, nature assigns a particular frequency for you? Same thing here. Believing in your dreams will create love towards it. Then, a channel will be assigned between you and your dream. Dreams have to be logic so you can believe it personally. Don’t dream something like you want land on sun. Ridiculous!

Once tunnel is assigned, path will be presented to you. It is like when my friend in pain in UK, nature open a h through my hand phone, to let me know the news after alerted me with the ‘bad feeling’.

But it doesn’t open a direct path for dreams. I gives you multiple choice. Same as you can listen to the song via radio, hand phone, TV or computer. You need to pick it accordingly. If your dream is big, you may not realize even the path is already opened for you. I say this because the path may look very risky as you may ignore it.


“You are earning USD5,000 as an accountant. Your dream is to become a film director/producer. And you are talented in video shooting. One day, you saw an advertisement that Warner Brothers need independent people who can document visually their historic big budget movie making in Japan. It may take more than 6 months and they will only pay to whom that documentary is chosen. The opportunity here is you can develop a very strong relationship with these movie makers. Almost everything you need to know for successful movie making, you can learn. Great chance, isn’t it? But the risk is, your saving can only sustain you for 8 months. You documentary may not selected and not get paid. And you loose your job.”

Will you take the risk? No? This is too risky? Yes…

One thing you must understand, your assigned channel and frequency towards your dream will never betray you. it works persistently and with full of loyalty. In above example, if you choose to be in, Warner Brothers may hire you, May get small budget movie projects from other movie industrialist there, May someone became close to you and offer some partnership, or… if nothing happen there, when you come back you may ended up in another better environment or better paid firm. All this possible right. So whats stopping us. Its fear. Fear to loose. Its normal. That's why I said the path of opportunity opened for you based on your big dreams may not visible to you as a jackpot. Its up to you how you identify it!

Very important thing! They saying “Opportunity will only knock the door once” is very popular. Do not ever ever believe this. This is crap!. As long as your believe is concrete, you have a lot of undivided faith in your dream and you are very enthusiastic about it, the frequency will kept alive. So, its nature’s duty to respond to that energy flow. It will keep opening the path(opportunity) again and again in various ways and time. Maybe the rewards for the first one is better than second,but hey, it will come again again.

Most people failed when almost succeed just because they give up in half way. If you already did 50th step and still can’t make it, go for step 51. It may. If not, go for 52, 53 and so on… You will achieve it. As Thomas Alva Edison create a bulb in his step 5001 after fail 5000 ways (ops, please correct my number if I’m wrong).

The conclusion is, keep your believe, faith and enthusiasm evergreen towards your dream. Then take some actions and put efforts when you recognize the path. There is a lot of books available in market for self enrichment(believe, faith, efforts, enthusiasm) .

Importantly, laziness and ignorance is number are two evil which kill your dream. Avoid it…

Ermmm… This is just whats in my mind today. Have a good day…

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