Sunday, May 17, 2009

I Feel So Sad, Please Help Me...

One fine evening I was having a tea time in my regular restaurant. Without my control, I turned back and starred at a pretty young lady who is sitting two tables away and she was already starring at me. Oh... How this possible? How I know she is looking at me even she sits at the back of me?

This phenomena different from what I discussed earlier in "Dreams can come true? Prove it!!". This is not a wave from the love one. This is something like only happens in very short distance. But this both work together very closely. It is an energy field which present around our physical body.

Lets think, if our body teared into particles, you will find only atoms which have no life in it. Our body formed with lifeless particular. Then how we got life? Well, this is a different topic. What I mean here is, when this atoms formed together, it is either air, liquid or solid. Every atoms vibrates in every form. When it vibrates, it creates an energy field. (Its a very vast subject to discuss, I just make it simpler)

This energy field called as a 'Aura'. You can check yours by taking kirlian photography. Its colorful (7 colors). This is our guardian. It guards us from the world.

Lets say an emotional Susan try to get relief by talking her problem with her friend. Mmm... She is still not recovering. Then she talk again about this with an another friend. Still no change. At last she talked to her cousin and eventually she feel satisfied and getting better. Why?

First and a second person are those her friend whom in emotional state also. And her cousin is in happy state. Ah? What?

Yes, our aura contains negative and positive energy. Positive energy is transferable where else negative energy is stagnant (positive/negative energy I mean here is our inner feelings, not atoms). Negative energy is nothing but a defense for us. It gives us the signals if we are in danger. Mechanism is by giving alert from a suspicious acts around (I can feel if someone standing behind me), emotional status to solve problems, and so on. Where positive energy is not staying with us all the time. It is responsible for our well being. It been absorbed according to our need. It will only present if we personally need it. (we will have it with a low number by naturally where negative energy will overpower it)

So, when Susan desperately need relief, She's actually looking for positive energy. She feel satisfied at last once she absorbed it from her happy cousin who have plenty of it (even she didn't realize what happened).

This is the reason why when you go to hospital, you will feel very tired and exhausted. Because a lot of people in there will try to absorb it from you. It happens naturally. It's not only happens in hospital but everywhere as long as unhappy or worried people are present.

So how to get positive energy all the time? Good question.

Have you notice that if you sit under the tree, you will enjoy the breeze. Why can't you enjoy the same under the fan or air-con?

If you are in trouble or in a very high emotional state, try to sit on the bench under the tree. After a while, you will definitely will stand up and lean on that tree or rubbing its trunk(some will hug it) and you will feel really great by doing it, right?

Trees or any plants contain very high energies. It is totally different from human. But when human absorbed it, it turns into a very high positive energy. Try to think for a solution under the tree and in the room. Where you will get a quick solution? Definitely under the tree right?(try it if never did before) Even, we choose a bench under the tree if we want to be alone.

So, go for jogging or a walk regularly where the trees are present. Do some gardening. This will help you most to keep your positive energy field all the time.

Another method is to be with happy people all the time, but I didn't mean to ignore unhappy people. Bring them to your happy environment if you think you want to help them. They will recover by themselves. Don't stuck. The same reason how Susan felt better and satisfied.

There is a saying,"happy people attract happy people; emotional people attract emotional people". This is true. But here we have to change it. Emotional people should attract happy people to get happy too, how is it? Nice eh...

Well, I may wrong. But this is base on my own observation and practicals. Obviously I didn't do any scientific experiments. But it works. Its just what is in my mind... Be happy always...

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